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Věk Zlatého Světla - Age of Golden Light

vnitřního věčného světla a jeho moudrosti- of inner eternal light and its wisdom

co vám v TAJEMSTVÍ neprozradili,aneb podrobný postup jak se stát vědomým tvůrcem a pánem svého života a osudu zde

Very Important Message - OPENING THE PORTAL

by Dr. Georgi Stankov, October 16, 2011

I have the pleasure to publish today a very important technical instruction from the Arcturians to all members of the PAT and first ascension candidates as to how to proceed at the time of going through the portal when the call for Ascension of your higher self has reached you. This has been the chief topic of your emails to me in the last two weeks, and I must admit that I was at pain most of the time to answer all your questions in a satisfactory manner.

Now we have a straightforward instruction from a competent place - from The Arcturians, who are responsible for the coming Shift at the stargate 11.11.11, as this event is an alignment of earth with the central Arcturian sun. I have already explained this pivotal event in my article " What is the Role of PAT at the Stargate 11,11,11". 

At this point in time, earth will fully enter the photon belt and will be heaved with your combined effort to the 4th and 5th dimensions, while you will ascend to the 5th dimension. I would like to recommend you to re-read some of the most relevant articles, which I have published in the last several weeks on this topic as to have the information fresh in your mind, while scrutinizing very carefully this most important message, channeled by Sue and immediately sent to me last night. This is a great and uplifting message, and we all must be very thankful to Sue for giving us this precious information. Please, read this message several times in the coming days and let the information imbue your consciousness.


From the Arcturians
by Susan Caroll

October 16, 2011

At the moment of the opening you must completely surrender to the Portal. You must “die” to your old life and be “re-born” to your new. This act of “dying” is not to die to your body, for you will need to continue using it as you participate in the great transmutation from the third dimensional world into the higher frequency world that your Soul has chosen for your Maiden Voyage. In other words, you will NOT die to your body. You will DIE to your reality. Dying to your reality means that everything, every person, every place, every situation to which you have been attached in the reality that you are leaving must be totally and utterly released.

Most important, at the same time that you release the old, you embrace the exact replica of your reality in its higher frequency expression. In this manner, you will stay manifest within a form, while allowing that form to transmute with your consciousness fully attached to it. When you “died” in past/alternate realities, you allowed your consciousness to detach from your form, so that the form could continue its death process without your needing to suffer that difficult transition. In some of your physical lives, you may have been afraid of death and clung onto your form even when it was no longer habitable. In other words, you had a difficult death. It is the unconscious memory of these difficult transitions that you must release.

In other words, you must release the memory of being afraid of death and holding on to what was no longer yours to experience. Simultaneously, you must release your current third dimensional reality while you, simultaneously, make a mental imprint of this reality, so that you can take it with you into the Portal. Then, as you travel through the Portal toward and into the higher frequency expression of your reality and form, you will carry within a mental imprint of that which you are transmuting. It is this mental imprint, copied and “saved to” your High Heart, that will transmute into its higher frequency of expression.

When you return from your entry into and journey through the Portal, as many of you will do, you will see the exact body and reality that you left. Except, it will be the higher dimensional expression of that reality. In other words, you will:

Release the physicality of your present reality, while you maintain a mental image of that reality, which is “saved to“ your High Heart.

With this image created and saved, you will release ALL attachment to that reality.

However, you will remain in constant contact with your physical body, for it marks the “return point” of your journey.

The next important component of your journey through the Portal is that you will need to awaken your multidimensional perception, so that you can perceive and remain in contact with more than one frequency of reality through out your entire journey. In other words, you will need to perceive your starting point of the third dimension in great clarity to copy and paste it to your mind and heart, while you also perceive your fourth dimensional aura. When you can perceive your own fourth dimensional aura, you will know that you have expanded your perception beyond the confines of the third dimension.

This expansion of perception is vital, for the Portals are not grounded in the third dimension. In fact, the Portals are only seen through your fourth dimensional perception as their openings are on the different octaves of the fourth dimension. It is for this reason that we have been telling all of you to create your tunnel of light through the Lower Astral Plane, which is the accumulation of ALL the negative energy that humanity has created around their planet. If you have not yet created this tunnel, please do so now.

The way that you create this tunnel of light through the darkness of the Lower Astral Plane is, of course, with your great power of unconditional love. Therefore, between now and the Opening, please review your life and unconditionally love EVERY person, place, situation and thing, which still holds any fear-based memories of anger, sorrow, revenge, competition etc. etc. In other words, you must “Forgive them, for they know not what they did!”

This sweeping unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness allows you to unconditionally accept the FACT that you came into incarnation at this time to participate in the process of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Once you realize that participation in ascension was your “purpose for incarnation,” you will be able to unconditionally accept that EVERY negative experience of your present reality was created by your Soul. Your Soul created these “problems”, so that you could clear all that was left unfinished at the time of your birth into this ascension reality.

You may think that this task is too much for just one life. However, once you remember that you are a great Multidimensional Being, who has volunteered to enter the “scene of many crimes” in order to assist your Planetary Expression of SELF, Gaia, your many heartaches and challenges will pale in the multidimensional light of your higher purpose.

If you cannot unconditionally love, unconditionally forgive and unconditionally accept that every moment of every experience of your present life pales in the face of your higher purpose, you will not be able to detach from your present reality enough to totally surrender into and through the Portal. Your inability to release your past will deny you the gift of infinitely living in the present.

Therefore, our beloved grounded ones, we plead with you to “forgive them for they know not what they did.” And most important, forgive your self for you knew not what you did. You were asleep then, and EVERYTHING that you did or that happened to you was orchestrated, so that you could Awaken. Yes, many of you have had challenges since your awakening, but because you knew, you were awake, you saw these situations as initiations, rather than problems. Because you were awake, you could eventually look each of these fear-based situation straight in the face and say, “I love you for the lesson that you have taught me.”

While you review your life, be sure to seal each memory with unconditional love and thanksgiving for the lesson that it has taught you. You are in the process of leaving the reality, in which lessons were often difficult, painful and filled with fear. In fact, you are leaving fear. We can see from the brilliant light of our grounded ones that many of you have already made this transition of sweeping forgiveness. Remember, forgiveness is not a passive act. In fact, forgiveness is a call to action, to correct that which was so out of alignment with your Soul that it actually caused you pain.

Your Soul created this situation in your life so that you could realize how out of alignment you were with your higher expression of SELF. Therefore, forgive and release ALL pain NOW, so that it no longer dampens your sensations of the higher worlds. Release ALL judgment, for judgment is a mental condition that separates you from others and from your SELF. Every experience of your entire life was PERFECT for it has brought you to the fully awakened state of consciousness that you NOW enjoy.

Please take a moment of break now to fully embrace this part of our message. We will return with Part II, which is activating your Multidimensional Perceptions.

Zobrazení: 604

Komentář přidal(a) Ladislav dne 20.Říjen.2011 v 12:11
Upečieme nebeské koláčiky. Ako vidím, nepotrebujeme už ani špeciálnu navigáciu. Spájanie na diaľku v priamom prenose sa začalo. Nemusíme sa už ani veľmi unúvať. Sláva,  je to skvelé. Pekné  dni  prajem.
Komentář přidal(a) marshala dne 20.Říjen.2011 v 14:44
snivalo sa mi dnes o dvoch lietajucich tanieroch....potom prišli nejake vojenske lietadla a nejako ich chceli vymanevrovať,ludia na okolo sa ma snažili presväčiť že je to premietajuci sa holograficky premietvute na oblohu....
Komentář přidal(a) Ladislav dne 20.Říjen.2011 v 14:49
Počul som o tom už tiež niečo. Že sa na oblohu dajú premietať nejaké holografické obrazy. Však nech sa len ukážu.
Komentář přidal(a) marshala dne 20.Říjen.2011 v 19:40
napisala som to sem ako madar...ospravedlnujem sa,mam velky žial,prave som odprevadila jednu moju štvornohu kamaratku ,zlyhaly jej ladviny,pečen,zo dna na den kolaps....rakovina....plačem ,ale viem že sa jej ulavilo....
Komentář přidal(a) Dustin dne 21.Říjen.2011 v 13:38
Majka, pokial mala rakovinu pomohla si jej a zbavila ju utrpenia, ktore by ju cakalo...
Komentář přidal(a) marshala dne 21.Říjen.2011 v 13:41
je úžasne ako dnes rychlo zdiagnostikuju na mieste ..krv,sono,rtg...bolo jasne že nechať ju dlhšie trapiť je nefer....mala som ju na starosti,gazdovcov ma na dovolenke...tak to bolo o to neprijemnejšie
Komentář přidal(a) Dustin dne 21.Říjen.2011 v 13:48
Viem, co citis... Ja placem za Dustinkom casto a je to uz rok od jeho smrti...
Komentář přidal(a) Anka-veva dne 22.Říjen.2011 v 1:00
mne sa snívalo včera o lietajúcom tanieri.Blikal modro a bielo.Kývala som naň radostne a on sa začal približovať,trochu som sa bála,ale kývala som dalej.A čo sa týka tých zvieratiek,niekedy si myslím,že som sa zbláznila.Mám 5 mačičiek  na chatke,lenže tam je problém,že ony chytajú krásne myšky,jašteričky,občas speváčika.Neviem ako mám tej mačičke vysvetliť,že jej dám dosť "papať",že nemusí zabiť tú milú myšku,či drozda.Fakt pomaly ľutujem už aj tie muchy,osičky,ba dokonca pavúkov,ktorých som sa strašne bála.Ked sa dá,nezabíjam už ani žiaden hmyz.Som vôbec normálna?
Komentář přidal(a) Ywet dne 22.Říjen.2011 v 9:25
Tento rok som komárov nelikvidovala pričapnutím, len som ich zo seba sfúkavala. A tiež mám väčšie zľutovanie s hmyzom. Pár hodín po umytí okien si spravil vonku, pavúk veľkú pavučinu, cez štvrť okna a rovno pri vchodových dverách. Pred zničením jeho bydliska, som ho pred rodinou vyhlásila za pavúka ochrancu. Že jeho pavučina zachytáva negatívne energie :-))))
Komentář přidal(a) Ladislav dne 22.Říjen.2011 v 13:42
Pavúci sa vyznajú a ostatné zvieratká tiež . Vedia presne, čo majú urobiť. Je to správne chrániť ich a milo sa im prihovoriť.

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* Příběh Aleny Suchánkové, nadšené permakulturistky a zakladatelky LETSystémů, Růžďka - ZDE.

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