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Věk Zlatého Světla - Age of Golden Light

vnitřního věčného světla a jeho moudrosti- of inner eternal light and its wisdom

co vám v TAJEMSTVÍ neprozradili,aneb podrobný postup jak se stát vědomým tvůrcem a pánem svého života a osudu zde

Dana Mrkich o červnu: Evolution Revolution - Aktivování vašich "chybějících" vibrací

"...Tento měsíc je mimořádně mocný na to, abychom pozvali a přijali nové vibrace a prolomili staré, limitující omezení a představy, jaká by měla realita být..."


June 2011 Monthly Visions: Activating your 'Missing' Vibration

There is so much strong, powerful energy circulating around us right now that I hardly know where to start! The strongest theme that feels to be underscoring everything is that of breaking through those ceilings that have kept each of us limited in one or more aspects of our reality. Stronger even than the busting through theme, is the dawning realisation around why it’s been so hard to make the quantum leaps we have been wanting forever and what we now have to do to ground and embody them.
We all have something that we have found difficult to manifest or maintain once manifested. No matter how much we journal, meditate, get healings and say affirmations there seems to be one huge ‘quantum leap’ desire within everyone that constantly seems to be an arm’s length away. This has been coming up so often in sessions this past month, with one primary message repeating itself over again: Your reality is like an album full of songs. If you want to add something that you are finding difficult to create or maintain it’s because that song is not on your album. You have to add that song to your album, and not just add it but stamp it on there so it is a new and permanent part of your vibrational field. It is literally a new aspect of your being that has not been activated up until now, and that is why it has not been able to take form physically on the material plane. If you have been trying to add something that has never been a song on your family album, know that this new vibration is completely unfamiliar to your ancestral energy field and so it literally has been unable to ‘stick’ onto your album in a permanent way. You have to upgrade your cellular wiring, literally infusing it with the vibration of the new aspects that you would like to invite into your reality field.
The key words here are “infusing it with the vibration”. While it may appear that the love of your life or home of your dreams is the thing that’s lacking from your life, what is actually lacking is an activated connection to the vibration that your energy associates with the manifestation of that thing (and that is different for everyone). First figure out what the ‘missing’ vibration is exactly, and that’s where all that journaling and meditating, and all those healings and affirmations will help. For example, if you want greater financial prosperity the vibration that is the missing link for you might be worthiness, stability, freedom, power or all of the above. Abraham-Hicks tells us that if you want to manifest something you need to work out why you want it (eg do you want to feel more secure/more loved/more happy) and then work out a way to feel that right now. It’s also very helpful to work out why part of you doesn’t want it (eg fear of losing freedom, losing independence, being seen as greedy), because that will create major resistance toward letting your manifestation in. Most of this you all know, it’s basic Law of Attraction 101 yet we still have desired manifestations that aren’t manifesting. Why? Trying to feel something that has never been on your album, is like trying to visualise blue when you’ve never seen blue. We might know that stability is our missing vibration, but if our cells don’t recognise that vibration it doesn’t ‘stick’ and thus we won’t be able to attract it or hold it on a physical level – until we activate it within our cells.
Just a note on any manifestation ‘delays’. Today we’re not talking about the Divine Timing factor which is very real for certain events (eg a specific date may be required by an incoming soul for its conception date), nor are we talking about desired things that aren’t meant for you. We’re talking about that which is desired and for your highest good, that which your soul is absolutely calling you toward. A call which is feeling stronger and sounding louder right now than ever before, and you feel at a complete loss as to what more you could possibly do to let it in. You may have found yourself saying lately something like: “Show me what it is I am not seeing.”
There is a story featured in the film ‘What the Bleep do we Know’ about a tribe of people unable to see ships anchored offshore, because the sight was alien to their usual reality. It wasn’t until a shaman stared out to sea, imagining what he was looking for, that he was finally able to make out the ships. It was only after pointing them out to others that eventually everyone could see the ships. This phenomenon is called perceptual blindness, based on a theory that our brains literally can’t see what we don’t understand, but because the shaman was used to expanding his vortex of perception he was able to open up to the new reality that already existed right before their eyes. There is a similar phenomenon called inattentional blindness, where we don’t see something unless we are looking for it or expect to see it. Christian and I were in the city for his surprise birthday party one night, and I was trying to avoid the party destination until all the guests had arrived so he wouldn’t bump into any of them on their way there. We were casually strolling by the waterfront and it was only later that I found out that a group of our friends on the way to the party had walked right by us and, according to them, we both looked straight at them! They were mortified they’d been seen, and said they just kept walking like nothing happened and acted like they didn’t know us! Two even said they quickly thought “I’m invisible, I’m invisible!” Christian and I both swear we did not see them! My intention was so strong that we wouldn’t bump into anyone, and he didn’t expect to bump into those particular friends because they’d already made up a story of where they’d be that night, that they literally became invisible to us! This really made me wonder what else is it that we aren’t seeing that is right in front of our noses? Starships? Our dream home? Things we don’t even have a name for yet?
So we know that if our brain can’t see what we don’t understand, or we don’t expect to see something, we won’t see it. More to the point of today’s topic, our Law of Attraction ‘blind spot’ seems to be that we find it incredibly difficult to have something ‘stick’ to us that we associate with something that is separate to us. We see this regularly in people who win millions in the Lottery only to lose it all within a very short time period. They let the actual money in, but they couldn’t see or feel and thus activate the particular vibration they associated with having that much money whether that was a higher wealth consciousness, worth consciousness or freedom consciousness. One or more of those ‘songs’ weren’t on their cellular and vibrational album!
So the first step is being very aware of what your specific ‘missing vibration’ is, but the real quantum leaps happen once we fully, truly and cellularly OWN that vibration. Our cells can have a hard time owning a new vibration if it is very new to us personally, or ancestrally. It almost treats it like a virus, repelling it from our bodies as soon as it gets too close.
An image the guides showed to help us own new vibrations – new ‘songs’ on our album - is to imagine the vibration like a golden light filling every single one of our cells, imprinting each cell with the new vibration. We are upgrading our cells to a ‘new normal’. While doing this, it is helpful to feel the new vibration and affirm it. Something I loved was a sentence Oprah said during her final show: ‘There is a common thread running through all our pain and suffering. Unworthiness. Not feeling worthy of owning the life you were created for.’ You are worthy of owning the life you were created for. Our soul’s highest potential life has already been created for us, by us, on a vibrational level. We keep it at arm’s length by not owning one or more bridges linking our physical reality to our vibrational reality. To manifest our soul’s highest potential life, we have to own the vibrations that are the missing links between the vibrational version and the physical version.
If you want more financial prosperity, I’m sure you have been trying to feel wealthy, and think wealthy, and visualise yourself wealthy but what you need to know is that inviting more wealth into your life is not always necessarily about opening up to wealth consciousness. We all want more wealth for different emotional reasons. Ask what financial prosperity means to you and trust the words that pop into your head. If freedom comes up, this is what you want to infuse into your cells, imagining the vibration of freedom filling your every cell, imprinting itself into every cell. Use a sentence that works for you to help the process along eg “I allow myself to be free, I allow myself to own freedom, I open my every cell and every level to freedom consciousness, I am worthy of freedom”.
I am fascinated by Epigenetics because this science has proved what we metaphysically already know – our cells carry the memories and beliefs of our ancestors. So take a look at some of the beliefs held by your parents and grandparents (and you will know by noticing the kinds of things they say, their general mentality toward life, the way they live their life etc) and acknowledge where your cells are repeating the songs on the family album. This will tell you what your ‘missing’ vibration may be. Make your new song “I am worthy of owning stability”, “I am worthy of owning freedom”, “I am worthy of owning (whatever it is you can see your family haven’t owned)” Also, don’t forget all those family sayings that need upgrading. You might have to change generations of “Life is hard...a struggle...you have to work hard to get anything” to “I am worthy of an easy, fulfilling, abundant life.” Remember, this time it isn’t about the affirmation itself, it is about imagining the vibration of this new mentality infusing each and every cell.
This month is a super powerful time to invite, add and own new vibrations, and breakthrough old, limiting ceilings and preconceptions of what reality can be like. On June 1-2 we have the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini (Check for your local time: http://www.yasminboland.com/2011/06/june-moon-times-2/). Imagine a golden vortex of all possible vibrations and invite all the ones that call you to come into every cell of your body. This is followed by a June 15/16 Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, activating the Galactic Centre. The Galactic Centre represents the Great Mystery. It emanates very high vibrational energy, and it is our Earth’s coming alignment with this Centre that heralds the ‘era-2012’ ending of one cycle, and beginning of a new cycle. If ever there was a time to imagine, see, feel and ‘lock in’ new vibrations, both for ourselves personally and for our world globally, now is that time. Now is the time to breakthrough old restrictive ideas around what life has to be like, and burst forward into a completely new paradigm where life is greater than we can even currently imagine possible. Now is the time to activate your inner Imagineer and really go for it – the energy of Now says nothing is impossible, nothing is not do-able, everything is possible and everything is do-able. We just have to stamp it onto our vibrational fields and get into the feeling space of knowing that that is our absolute destined reality and destination. From there take inspired action whenever guided to do so. Inspired action is different to logical action in that it typically doesn’t involve the most logical route to a destination, but it does lead you down the easiest, most magical route.
We then have the Summer/Winter Solstice on June 21, which is International World Peace and Prayer Day as organised by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, and Spiritual Leader of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people. On this day all peoples of Earth regardless of race or religion are invited to join in prayer for peace and harmony for all living beings, including Mother Earth. It is a day of balance, with the Northern Hemisphere experiencing the longest day of the year and the Southern Hemisphere the shortest.
Now is the time for ‘all hands on deck’. We are all a piece of the giant humanity jigsaw, and your piece makes a difference. On June 21 take some time to make your contribution to the next chapter in humanity’s evolution and new album. Say a prayer, light a candle, vision from your heart imagining what a beautiful, peaceful, harmonious world would look like. If you have a passion for animals, the environment, music, creativity, media, education, health or any other area, you might like to specifically focus on what those aspects of life look like in your ideal world. It doesn’t matter if you spend 30 seconds or 30 minutes, it is your heart-felt intention that counts. Just as you can activate a new vibration within your personal field so too you can help to activate a new vibration in our collective field. Don’t think that vibrational action is a bit of fluff that has no real impact on physical reality. It has tremendous impact (check out Dr Emoto’s work with water!).
Although it’s technically happening next month, there is a second Solar Eclipse on the July 1 New Moon in Cancer, so we really aren’t going to be able to ignore the acceleration of energy over the next 4-6 weeks. Eclipses are much like tornado’s in that they can pick you up without warning, and set you down in some new location several miles down the road. Whatever direction you are pulled to or called to this month, know that these winds of change are working to uplift you and upgrade you. Bless them, thank them and breathe them in!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2011. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.

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! Není v našem tisku-Dva komentáře k ke dvěma historicky zásadním okamžikům. !!!!

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Uživatel Tibor Lapoš uvádí jako oblíbený příspěvek blogu Trump ma pod gronskym ledem radioaktivni casovanou bombu, uvadi Politico uživatele Uno Universus
Uživatel Tibor Lapoš sdílel příspěvek do blogu uživatele Zlaté Živé Světlo v komunitě Facebook.
Uživatel Tibor Lapoš uvádí jako oblíbený příspěvek blogu Byli jsme/jste ohlupováni temnými bytostmi a entitami, vydávajícími se za anděly a bohy uživatele Zlaté Živé Světlo
Uživatel Zlaté Živé Světlo přidal komentář k příspěvku do blogu Byli jsme/jste ohlupováni temnými bytostmi a entitami, vydávajícími se za anděly a bohy uživatele Zlaté Živé Světlo.
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Byli jsme/jste ohlupováni temnými bytostmi a entitami, vydávajícími se za anděly a bohy

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