* Jak se bránit proti psychickému, nebo třeba i EMP útoku, směrovaného někým či něčím na vás, nebo na vaši elektroniku Uvedeno ZDE.
Věk Zlatého Světla - Age of Golden Light
vnitřního věčného světla a jeho moudrosti- of inner eternal light and its wisdom
co vám v TAJEMSTVÍ neprozradili,aneb podrobný postup jak se stát vědomým tvůrcem a pánem svého života a osudu zde
First of all let’s get clear on one thing. Our galaxy is going through a solar radiation right at this moment. It started actually on December 21st, 2012.
The light is not visible, however we have receptors in our skin that can absorb this light. This receptors, when triggered, they promote certain amino acids inside our bodies which influence our DNA. This is what we mean when we say activate your DNA.
The receptors, however, are asleep to most of humans. They can be activated by feeling certain emotions like Love. Why is this? Why Love?
Love is not the same “Love” you know of, like romantic loving another person. When we say Love we mean the emotion of being your natural YOU.
The YOU Vibration is a unity of male and female energies. This creates an emotion and a feeling we call Love, Freedom or Authenticity.
This emotion can only be established if you are absent of fear, if you feel safe enough to be YOU.
Through the history we’ve suppressed this frequency because it was necessary for our survival to be afraid. Fear gave us more awareness of the world around us and we needed to relay more on our senses.
The receptors of cosmic light, like the hairs on our bodies, became flat and inactive. We were unable to absorb the frequency of the cosmos necessary for our further evolution.
However, now, we are pretty safe from wild animals and natural disasters. We can be comfortable enough to be us, the real US. Why then are we still afraid?
Once we secured our homes, created cities and kingdoms, we started to be afraid of ourselves because we saw what we were capable of. On the other side, we have started to rely A LOT on our 5 senses and anything that wasn’t sensed by them was not real.
We kept this mindset for A LONG TIME. Now, science is proving things that we subconsciously knew since the beginning but we again cannot find the security to be who we are. Why?
Well now, the systems we have created and the concept of “Money” “Fame” “Power” and the countless stereotypes, superstitions, false information and distractions forbid us to be who WE are, even despite the fact that we scientifically know.
The thing is we will never be truly safe or comfortable. But here is the trick. We never were. Since we pushed the first domino of dominating the animals because we were afraid of them we started a chain reaction of fear promoted outcomes. Today we live inside a world founded on fear.
Since the beginning we needed to be brave enough to be who WE were in the midst of that danger. That’s the secret of why some people live amongst the wildest animals, lions, wolfs and tigers without being attacked because as soon as you start doubting who you are you lose confidence.
Without confidence there is nothing to keep your beliefs together and if they are not together fear takes over and animals sense that.
It is enough. Stop being afraid. Or not. But be brave. Find that courage deep inside of you and be brave to be honest about who you are. To unite your male and female energies and become YOU. To vibrate with the YOU Frequency.
Now is the perfect time because we have so much cosmic light around us and just by a couple of months resonating on LOVE Frequency, being in water and detoxifying your body can activate your DNA. You can evolve into a being of light, true light.
What is 5D Earth?
The concept of 5D Earth is based on the theory of dimensions. Let’s say that the first dimension is a dot, the essence, or the consciousness.
The first dimension than becomes a second dimension where the dot separates and becomes a line, a vibration. Soul and Essence; Male and Female; Time and Space; Expansion and Contraction; Frequency and Energy;
The 2 lines of second dimension touch and create the third dimension. This is a dimension of form, where expansion and contraction unite to create a Torus.
Believe it or not, first comes the spirit in the third dimension and separates to live on space being affected by time and the other part lives in space but is not affected by time. This is the DNA creating a body and the Inner self our Inner World.
Our spirit lives in our DNA and through the body experiences the outer world. It also lives in our Inner world which we explore with our Inner self. The shadow of our body is our Inner self and vice versa. All of them are our Spirit. So it discovers itself and discovers with itself.
The fourth dimension is actually where we live. It is the timeline, the constant change of one thing into another. Past and Future; What was and What will be; The beginning of time and eternity in a straight line;
The fifth dimension is where we’ll live when we flourish, when we create our fruit. It is a world where we are inside time and this means we can choose what timeline will serve us best. It is not just one timeline but all.
It is a dimension where you found yourself, you found what was always the same in every possible outcome you could have been in depending on your choices. What was always the true YOU.
When we are saying you can be a designer of 5D Earth, we are thinking on you creating your own self.
Finding your true frequency, vibrating on it, evolving and flourishing into the best version you can be. Energizing that version of yourself into the highest intensity you can possibly promote and dissolving your Spirit into this energy.
This way you can be sure you chose best from every timeline. This way you can give a little of YOU into the 5D Earth.
I know it sounds a little crazy and sci-fi but who cares. At least, if you try, you’ll live to your fullest potential and what’s better than that?
By Dejan Davchevski, HumansAreFree.com;
Dejan Davchevski is one of the brightest young minds who writes about the complete human health, motivation, philosophy and the secrets of success. With Life Coach Code he creates a mindset of happiness and prosperity through his articles - Codes - which Reprogram the negative Paradigm creating a better version of ourselves.
Sorce: http://humansarefree.com/2014/10/how-can-you-be-one-of-architects-o...
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Navíc vám taktéž věnujeme toto: Co vám v TAJEMSTVÍ neprozradili, aneb podrobný postup jak se stát vědomým tvůrcem a pánem svého života a osudu - ZDE a toto: Jak se stát VĚDOMÝM tvůrcem svého světa a jeho realit a neomezeným pánem svého osudu. Uvedeno ZDE.